To My Readers: Avoiding Plagiarism, Understanding the Creative Commons License

November 28, 2007


To My Readers,

Many things happen in the blogosphere that can be qualified as plagiarism and stealing. My guess is that much of this is unintentioned and done out of ignorance or carelessness. Nevertheless, I want to be perfectly clear with how you can and cannot use my material.

I spend a tremendous amount of thought, research, time, energy, and love crafting the words that go into this blog. If you use my work, which I welcome, I respectfully request that you do the following:

  • Put my words in quotes if you are quoting text directly
  • Cite me by name, journal title, and the URL of the post (Maya Norton, The New Jew: Blogging Jewish Philanthropy, www…)
  • Leave me a message or send me an e-mail letting me know that you have done so– if we have the same interests, I would like to get to know you

CreativeCommons Cartoon

You will find a link to the Creative Commons License 3.0 as the very top image on this website. Please familiarize yourself with it if you would like to quote my material on your blog and you have not already done so. It is very straightforward.

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