SuperJews Color Wars: What’s It All About

December 14, 2008

Kabbalah HaMalkah of Team Red

I am ridiculously excited for the SuperJews Color Wars. As soon as I was invited to join, I had to find out more. Andy Neusner of the United Jewish Communities was great in answering my many questions. Read on to find out what you can expect from the upcoming Color Wars and what they’re all about.

The Genesis

The Color Wars were born out of a desire to involve young Jews (45 and under) more deeply in the Jewish world. The Color Wars are intended to be a siren song of Jewish involvement that will lead us deeper into the Jewish world with the ultimate goal of becoming stakeholders.  Andy says:

While plenty of young Jews have already gotten involved, there’s no secret that we need for more and more Jews from this age range to take over some ownership in our organizations, to change them in ways that will help us continue to tackle the needs of the Jewish world. We realize that there are plenty of great new ideas in play to reinvigorate the Jewish world, and rather than having them happen apart from or even in duplication with similar concepts within the organized Jewish community, we want to promote these new ideas and new leaders to take root within our system instead.

The Creators

Shabot 6000

Shabot 6000: The Jewish Robot

The United Jewish Communities (UJC) leveraged the services of William Levin, creator of The Jewish Robot. Levin’s extensive experience in creating humorous, media savvy projects aimed at young Jews to enhance and promote the Jewish brand will be a  huge asset to the Color Wars and upcoming SuperJews campaigns.

Primary funding for the project comes from the Mandel Center for Leadership Excellence, in their aim to reach Jewish youth through social media networks.

— Keep reading to learn more about the Color Wars —

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Chabad Provides Free Chanukkah Resource Kit to College Students in Need (A Rohr Family Profile)

November 26, 2007



It is that time of year again when we find ourselves wondering: Chanukkah? Chanukah? Hanukkah? Hanukah?

Who knows if we will ever get it right, but here’s a story of something that is right on target. Chabad on Campus is donating free Chanukkah kits to students without Jewish resources in their area with the support of the Rohr Family Foundation.


There is big giving, little giving, and plain old generosity of spirit. I am continually impressed with both Chabad and the Rohr family’s efforts to enhance connections in vulnerable Jewish communities. How do they do it? Through a commitment to Jewish values and a directed and aggressive agenda.

To get your free menorah, register here.

About Chabad on Campus


Chabad on Campus intends to make college a “home away for home” for thousands of college students. In the 1950s and 1960s, under the leadership of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson (z”l), Chabad began establishing centers on college campuses to provide Jewish students with a resource for prayer and practice.

Today, the Chabad on Campus International Foundation is sponsored by George and Pamela Rohr.

Who are the Rohrs?

The Rohrs are major sponsors for vulnerable Jewish communities, including being one of the biggest supporters of Jews in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.


Sami Rohr (father of George Rohr) was a Columbian real estate developer. As a significant portion of his holdings were in the the Former Soviet Union, he traveled there often and had an opportunity to learn more about the Jewish communities struggling under Soviet rule.

Rohr grasped the opportunity to make a difference. He felt a personal and social responsibility to the Jewish people to help support Soviet Jews and to rebuild their communities. He believed that with his support and the contributions of others like him, he could reestablish Jewish life in the Soviet Union.

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